



      This article discusses the weight of bananas. It will provide an overview of the weight of various types of bananas, the factors that affect the weight of a banana, and offer advice on how to accurately weigh bananas.

      Types of Bananas and Their Weights:

      There are numerous varieties of bananas in the world, but they generally fall into two distinct categories: sweet bananas and plantains. Sweet bananas are typically smaller than plantains and are eaten raw. A medium-sized sweet banana weighs around 118 grams or 4.16 ounces. Plantains, on the other hand, tend to be larger and are usually cooked when eaten. A typical medium-sized plantain weighs 197 grams or 6.7 ounces.

      Factors Affecting the Weight of Bananas:

      The weight of a banana can vary depending on its ripeness and size. As a banana ripens, its sugar content increases, making it sweeter and softer. At the same time, a bananas weight will decrease as it ripens, due to some of the water inside the fruit being lost. Similarly, larger bananas tend to weigh more than smaller ones of the same variety.

      Tips for Accurately Weighing Bananas:

      If you need to measure the weight of a specific banana, it is important to use a digital kitchen scale. Make sure to zero out the scale before placing the banana on it, and ensure the banana is positioned centrally on the scale to ensure an accurate measurement. Additionally, if you need to weigh multiple bananas, it can be helpful to remove their peel before weighing them.


      Bananas come in various sizes and varieties, and their weight can vary depending on their ripeness and size. A medium-sized sweet banana typically weighs around 118 grams, while a medium-sized plantain weighs 197 grams. When weighing a specific banana, it is important to use a digital kitchen scale and zero out the scale prior to taking the measurement. Additionally, it can be helpful to remove the peel from the banana before weighing it.
